E - Definitions

  • E

    E911 (Enhanced 911)

    In the United States, E911 (Enhanced 91 is support for wireless phone users who dial 911, the standard number for requesting help in an emergency.

  • eavesdropping

    Eavesdropping is the act of listening to, recording or intercepting private communications.

  • Erlang B

    Erlang B is a modeling formula that is widely used in call center scheduling... (Continued)

  • Erlang C

    Erlang C is a traffic modeling formula, primarily used in call center scheduling to calculate delays and to predict waiting times for callers.

  • Ethernet/IP (Ethernet Industrial Protocol)

    Ethernet/IP (Ethernet Industrial Protocol) is a network communication standard capable of handling large amounts of data at speeds of 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps, and at up to 1500 bytes per packet.
